24 Hour Help Lines
Lifeline: www.lifeline.org.au
13 11 14
A national 24-hour telephone counselling service for all ages.
Kids’ Helpline: www.kidshelpline.com.au
1800 551 800
A national 24-hour telephone counselling service for children and young people in Australia.
DOCS Helpline: 132 111
A 24 hour help line to report children at risk of harm.
Parentline: 1300 1300 52
Parent Line is a telephone counselling, information and referral service for parents and carers of children ages 0 to 18 in NSW.
Alcohol Drug Information Service: 1800 422 599 (toll free)
Alcohol Drug Information Service (ADIS) advisors understand the difficulties of finding appropriate drug and alcohol treatment and use their knowledge and experience to assist you. You can call ADIS any time for support, information, advice, crisis counselling and referral to services in NSW.
Useful links
Reach Out: au.reachout.com
A national online youth suicide prevention program.
Beyond Blue: www.youthbeyondblue.com
Information about depression and anxiety for teens, parents and carers.
Australian Psychological Society (APS): www.psychology.org.au
Raising Children: www.raisingchildren.net.au
Raising Children Network is the complete parenting resource for all stages from pregnancy to newborns to teens.
Guide to Parenting Resources: www.reviewlab.com/parenting-guide/