
A referral is not required to receive psychological services. However, if you wish to claim a rebate through Medicare’s Better Access to Mental Health Care scheme, a referral will be required. You can see a general practitioner, psychiatrist or paediatrician for a referral.

Medical Rebates

Medicare Australia has a number of schemes that allow individuals to access a rebate for psychological services. The most common of these is the Better Access to Mental Health Care scheme. Under this scheme a referral may be provided by a general practitioner, psychiatrist, or paediatrician. They will assess your eligibility for a Mental Health Care Plan, and provide you with paperwork to bring to your first appointment.


The rebate for seeing a clinical psychologist is $129.90 per session. This rebate can be accessed for up to 20 sessions per calendar year. Families who have reached their Medicare safety net can access a further 80-90% of the gap payment.

Healthfund Rebates

Your ability to access a rebate from a private health insurer will depend on your level of cover and any specific requirements of your health insurer. As these vary depending on provider, we advise that you consult your health insurer for more information.


Please note: you can only claim rebates through either Medicare OR your private health insurer for any one session.